Simplify The Business Of Real Estate By Enabling Automation For Better Lead Capturing And Conversion
CRM real estate software from Salesforce is empowering real estate builders to address critical pain points and provide incomparable experiences to home buyers. These solutions are enabling intelligent automation which, in turn, is accelerating lead capturing and conversion.
How is Automation impacting the sales cycles for real estate builders?
Sales and marketing automation powered by real estate CRM is enabling real estate builders to go beyond data centralization. It is enabling them to hyper-personalize the digital sales experience and shorten the sales cycle.
With automation, you never have to miss a message, lead or follow up. By automating core workflows in the post-booking period such as invoicing, legal documents generation, payment reminders, and customer queries, you can free up employee bandwidth to focus on engaging with customers, close more deals and accelerate revenues.
Sales and marketing automation is enabling dynamic remarketing which is more impactful than traditional remarketing. You can add new listings, remove sold properties, improve customer targeting and improve lead capturing.
Why Choose Salesforce for Real Estate?
Salesforce is the best CRM for real estate for the following reasons.
Ensure high data quality for better engagement
With Salesforce CRM, you can integrate and streamline data from multiple, siloed sources and channels. This helps eliminate data duplicity and consolidate contact records that are duplicated. This is important for the efficient management and engagement of the prospects.
Structure Customer Journey
The customer journey impacts their overall experiences. Based on real-time data provided by Salesforce for Real Estate, you can structure the home buyer’s journey effectively and avoid multiple contacts/bookings. Further, based on the smart insights, you can target and engage the right demographic contacts for the right properties, thereby, creating micro-moments for home buyers and accelerating the sales cycle.
Sales Process Management
Salesforce for real estate enables hassle-free and simple sales process management. Backed by intelligent automation, real estate builders can automate complex workflows from presales to closure and service. By building efficient mechanisms with templates, builders can ensure continuous flow, connected & cohesive experiences and reduced effort from home buyers.
Reach more potential and existing customers
Salesforce is the best CRM for real estate because it enables real estate builders to not just reach and add more potential customers but retain their existing customers. With the many tools provided by the Salesforce CRM, it is easy to nurture long-lasting relationships with customers. You can offer effective, hassle-free, and timely customer service, stay in touch with existing customers, engage with them based on real-time triggers and personalize engagement based on where they are in the customer journey.
Business Rule Accommodation
Salesforce enables real estate builders to create a unified experience for home buyers by breaking departmental silos and creating an integrated workspace for the employees.
To simplify your real estate business, choose a next-gen CRM real estate software like Manras and automate your complex workflows for better lead capturing and conversion.